This card is heavily characterized by the dulled colors and various shades of grey. The only color in the card is the bright yellow from the lantern that The Hermit uses to light his path in the shade of night and in his walking staff used to support his movement on the single path he takes to his destination. Inside his lantern is a six pointed star (the Star of Solomon) which signifies wisdom; his staff functions as a symbol of authority, and signifies his singular goal and solitary path towards enlightenment. The ground beneath him is white and mountainous (symbols of achievement and growth), reminiscent of a quiet and lonely winter night trekking through treacherous terrain; he is bigger than the mountains, hinting at how he is more powerful than any earthly obstacles in his way as a result of his higher mind, achieved in his isolation. He wears the gray robes of invisibility, and only reveals his wisdom to those who seek out his station through arduous meditation and hard work.
This card drawn reverse is a challenge to the viewer. Do you set enough time aside to reflect on your spirit? The time draws near that you are to make some enlightened discoveries, potentially rediscovering your purpose here on Earth. The Hermit beckons you to sit beside him in the harsh winter terrain and quiet your heart and troubles--better yet just throw it all away. For now, you don't need all the distractions life offers in the confused jumble of hectic people and never ending problems. It is time you discover the innate wisdom in your heart and take advantage of it.
But The Hermit also points quietly ahead of him to the cities and towns that hold all the family and friends you dearly love. It is possible for people like you and me to become too disconnected from the world, completely isolating ourselves from the love that makes us strong enough to undergo the spiritual challenge The Hermit presents. If you have been feeling lonely and isolated from love, The Hermit beckons you to pick up the phone and make the call to your loved ones and see how they are doing. Nothing in your entire life can replace the ones you hold dear, and it is utterly important to keep those relationships wholesome and thriving.
I have been facing a serious challenge lately in terms of my spiritual faith. The beliefs and practices I have had for my entire life I am now calling into question, and this takes a significant amount of thought and consideration. The Hermit is beckoning me to face this inner problem, to meditate and think on it, because the answer to my questions does not lie outside of myself, but in my heart. This is a decision I must make on my own, without the help of the spiritual leaders I have had in the past, even without the spiritual help from my own mother. I must completely isolate myself from everything I have ever known to make the correct decision, and I am sure that my purpose in life will be significantly altered from what it is now.
Do you have a spiritual issue that you are facing? Or maybe a lack of spirituality that your inner self has been crying out for? Or have you been taking too much time in isolation and have injured the relationships you so dearly care about? The Hermit, enlightened seer, moderate in all things, seeks to give you guidance and reach within your soul for the six pointed star that can lead you places that the weak of spirit and of heart would never be able to venture.