Tonight I will be taking a final, and this will be my last Linguistics final in my undergraduate career (Woohoo!). It almost doesn't feel real. But I am sure this reading is going to reveal what this final will be like for me. I'm a tad nervous, but sure that this will be something I will need. Without further ado, Temperance.

If temperance is a balance in all things, then the reverse is an unbalance, whether it be in the spiritual life, or in the material life. Just like Temperance tests the waters for any turbulence before jumping, it is imperative that no hasty decisions are made at this time. Take care to identify any issues in the course of an experience before charging full speed ahead.
Not only can the world around feel out of balance, but quite possibly there is a struggle for balance inside your spirit. Possibly there is a lack of vision in terms of the future, even a lack of planning to better understand what needs to be planned for. Regardless of where the problem lies, there is unrest in you and your life, and it is time to take control of the circumstances presented before you and make things right again. Uncertainty towards any one thing is a key indication that there is a lack of balance in your life--what makes you uncomfortable and doubtful in your heart?
There might be a lack of balance in a relationship. And this can be in relationships as mundane as a person who sits next to you at work or a sibling, or as extreme as a spouse or partner that is causing havoc in your emotional and personal life. There is a conflict of interests, inability to express individuality simultaneously; the relationship does not seem to flow right.
This marvelous and wise angel looks at you with kind eyes and a slight nod. Do not fret. This is no life or death event where everything is at stake. It smiles at you, chiding you for being so ridiculous. Things work themselves out. The world around you is constantly trying to right itself, just like your spirit and persona constantly strive to be in harmony with the world around it. Time sometimes is the only medicine that you may need, and waiting it out with patience and love will reward you in the end.
But that is only the case for some of the time. In an instance where something has gone wrong in a relationship or event and the majority of reasons why everything is out of wack is your fault, gather your courage and be the first to fix the situation. Say sorry, make amends, express your care and willingness to work as a team and correct what has been done wrong. This is always the first step to healing, and always needs to be done in order to move on and grow. Coveting any holes in the bottom of your cup will only lead to leakage and lack of balance. You will never be able to reach a higher state of mind or spiritual awareness if you do not patch up your cracks and dings. Even if there is no forgiveness in return! Do your part and seek not to become a part of the problem, but rather part of the solution.
And this is your wisdom for the day, and even though I feel this reading had little to do with the final I will soon be taking (there are a few apologies I need to make in order to grow), I am glad to have had this knowledge unveiled for my future development. The angel smiles and nods in response, its headpiece glinting in the glow of twilight. She beckons you with gracefulness to come and test your feet in the pool of magick and mystery. Will there be wisdom uncovered to you? The angel only smiles in your direction, her eyes and mouth betraying nothing but clarity and temperance.
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