If anyone has graduated college recently (or if your memory is flawless) you can only imagine what I have to go through as a college student trying to graduate in the midst of Finals Week. I have had issues all over the place, and have often wondered if I would be able to graduate at all.
There was one class where I was really iffy, and I finally got an email back from the instructor that he would help me out! (THANK GOD!)
So I believe that I am cleared to graduate and be done with this college life that I struggled with so much. And in all honesty, I could not be happier. Not to show hate towards the college life (I know several people who hear me talk about leaving and look at me like I had an extra head), but I know when it is time for me to move on and be rid of a place that is meant not for me anymore. I look forward to the positive life I will be living in Virginia, and the huge steps into my newly founded religion I anticipate with eagerness.

There is some distinct symbolism here to draw connections between each symbol and our unconsciousness. The two beings sitting at the food of the road is a coyote and a wolf, which represent the tame and wild aspects of our minds. The crab crawling out from the pool of subconscious represents early stages of discovery, and could also come to mean the strange and disturbing thoughts/beings that come from our deepest recesses. The surrounding place is lit dimly by the moon, whose eyes are closed as if in meditation. The two towers that stand out in the distant land represent a gateway into the unconsciousness, which the path dutifully travels through.
This card, as I stated earlier, is the embodiment of the subconscious. As a result, The Moon can mean illusion or deception, much like a hallucination or sixth sense. Therefore, the viewer might be in the midst of a situation where clarity and vigilance is necessary to best negotiate future encounters. There might be a great force of resistance or obstacle that impedes process that appears greater than it actually is. Some of these obstacles could be a reflection of our inner most fears or anxieties touching briefly with reality. What we most fear is what makes us vulnerable, and can unfurl even the most busty and sturdy of defenses. Our fears chip away at the bricks with long fingernails, hitting all our weak spots and bringing down our wall entirely.
Surprisingly enough, our fears and the embodiment of what fills us with anticipation and struggle only have to put forth minimal effort to bring us to our knees. All they need is to appear, make themselves known, and brush lightly with what drives the situation forward, and we do all the rest. Our worst nightmares are only illusions we make in response to inner demons that plague us without any resentment or mercy. Sadly enough, we build our own adversaries, making them stronger and meaner with the added thoughts and disturbances we encounter in our conscious life. Just like the moon reflects the sun's power, the subconscious reflects the events and progression of our conscious life.
We need to face our fears and size them up for the reality of their consequence. Oftentimes our fears are completely disproportionate to the threat they present. Therefore, proceed through situations and problems that seem overwhelming with clarity of thought and peace of mind. Seek to establish an inner connection to your own subconscious, and get to know what you desire and despise well enough to anticipate issues your emotions and mind might throw into pandemonium. Sit still, underneath the moon's dim calm light. What twirls and creeps around you are not boogie men and strange creatures, but harmless beings that draw close out of curiosity and contemplation. The pool water quietly laps at your feet, tempting you to taste its cool breath and feel the calming sensation of running down your throat. Everything around you is much more interesting and magickal when seen as a potential force that you can control, and since it is your mind, the control is completely within your capable hands. Just don't squander it away with negative thoughts, feed it with positive ones. And the world inside you will blossom like a flower in the silver light of the moon.
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